Investment Projects

  • – JNR Productions signs Executive Producer/Investment Agreement with Kai Studios for completion of the animated short, TIGRE.
  • – JNR Productions signs Executive Producer/Investment Agreement with Melissa Ann Archer, producer, to complete the comedic short film, Sunny Side Up.
  • – JNR Productions signs Executive Producer/Investment Agreement with Lily Richards & Caroline Ullman, Producers/Directors, on the dark comedy short, Adam is Dead.
  • – JNR Productions signs Executive Producer/Investment Agreement with Coyote Blood LLC, for the feature film, I’ve Seen All I Need To See.
  • – JNR Productions signs Executive Producer/Investment Agreement with producer Alyssa Melani of LuBird Media LLC, for the short film, Stained.
  • – JNR Productions signs Executive Producer/Investment Agreement with producers Erwick Souza and Dimitri Dikhel for the short film Earthlings.
  • – JNR Productions signs Executive Producer/Investment Agreement with producer Alyssa Melani of LuBird Media LLC, for the short film, Cry Baby. More on this film will be released soon!